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Ladakh Bikes

Julley from Leh! That means Hello in Ladakh and you’ll find that everyone here is itching to say it to you.

Leh is the super friendly mountain city that is waiting for you to visit them.

When you arrive here, either by bus or plane, you’ll be greeted by the most spectacular panoramic views of snow-capped mountains, ancient palaces, and Buddhist stupas.

It’s also a welcome paradise from the busy, dirty cities like Delhi and Rajasthan.

Here’s the ultimate Leh Ladakh travel guide including how to reach Leh, top things to do, where to stay, and what to eat!

The best time to visit is actually in the monsoon season between June – September as Ladakh is a dry spot in a country of constant rain!

They also shut the road after mid-September so it’s best to visit before then or fly!

It’s beautifully sunny every single day at this time and everything almost looks saturated as you’re closer to the sun and higher up at 3,500 metres!

It’s also perfect weather for trekking and is what most travellers flock here for.